Edit password

On the password page, you can edit your password. We always recommend to pick a strong password.

Changing your password comes with a password strength indicator, as shown in the screenshot.

When changing your password

There are some characteristics when changing your password:

  • you will need to provide a password that matches the password rules (which can change from time to time, so our help center is not the right place to cover them);
  • see the explanation at login history section when you think someone else is logged in with your account.

If you think a password alone isn't enough, you can enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

Verify password

Saving any changes in the above form fields needs to be confirmed by re-entering your current password.

Forgot password attempts

Within the password profile section, we will also show you a list of "reset password" links that were sent. This allows you to monitor if there were requests for a new password that doesn't align with your own actions.