Upgrading is as easy as picking a plan and changing addons to your needs. When revisiting the Plans page, the right plan and addons will be pre-selected based on either your current subscription.
You can choose to make changes, proceed to the next page and then come back another day to pick up where you left. We will then pre-select the plan and addon based on your (organisation's) last attempt.
Invoicing and crediting
When it comes to invoicing, RUMvision will automatically credit any amount that has been invoiced already. This means that up to the enddate, you will end up paying the price of the upgrade, minus what you paid before up to the enddate of the previous invoice. Invoicing based on your new preferences will start as usual as of that date.
If you are in the middle of the month, then we will shift the new enddate to the first day of two months ahead. Below is illustrating how your invoice will look like after upgrading, which is also shown up front before finalizing the payment: