Alerts overview

When you have set at least one alert, you get a list of all your alerts, both active and inactive. From here, you can navigate to this alert via "options" on the right-hand side of the page. You can delete them here, but also view them.

Alerts that have been imported cannot be modified, but custom alerts can.


When you click on view, you will see the following information in one overview:

  • Name of the alert
  • When the alert is scheduled
  • The conditions
  • The description
  • Subject of the message when you receive the alert
  • And when the alert should send a notification


Through the history, you can see when this alert has all gone off and at what values. The screenshots below show a list of historical alerts that went off when the mobile INP at the 75th perctentile deteriorated by more than 15% on a template.

When you expand the alert via "view", you can see by how much and which values fell below the budget that triggered the alert.

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