Domain security
Any domain can be registered by any user. We have the following processes to prevent users from claiming domains:
- automated hit-rate checks per user;
- domain registrations with a disposable e-mail address are ignored;
- manual checks will prevent real users from claiming domains that likely aren't part of their organisation.
Domain verification
Besides the above, we also have a more autonomous process. Because even when a domain is registered already, others can still register to that domain as well. But only under certain conditions.
This is introduced for the following reasons:
- prevent users from claiming domains that aren't theirs;
- by allowing other users to claim back that domain.
How this works is explained at the register to an existing domain section.
To prevent others from registering to your domain, we advice site owners to verify their ownership of a domain to stop this process.
Two factor authentication
Users with setting permissions for a domain are able to enable Two Factor Authentication for a domain. Read more about this in our domain settings section.
Adding new users
When adding new users, we provide security measures through the following methods:
E-mail address validator
When adding a new user, their e-mailaddress will be checked against patterns provided via both the domain's security settings as well as organisation security settings. When it doesn't match any of those rules, the new user cannot be added with the provided e-mail address.
Applying enddates
To be sure that no-one will be able to access your domain's data beyond your (temporary) collaboration, you can apply an enddate to user accounts. This can be done per domain, this increases security without increasing time consumption to periodically review your users.