Use cases

  • How 3WebApps improved Core Web Vitals with RUMvision

    A European market leader in car parts for both consumers and business customers switched to 3WebApps in early 2024. We soon found that the webshop's (F)UX was suffering from poor Core Web Vitals. And the internationally-oriented webshop with customers from all over the world couldn't afford that. The request for help was therefore to put the finger on the sore spot, solve the problems and continue to monitor data on the Web Core Vitals in real time. Our e-commerce professionals took RUMvision in hand and improved the Core Web Vitals and (F)UX in just a few months.

    • Published
    • Reading time ± 2 minutes
  • Making sure paid traffic has the best page speed possible

    If your ecommerce depends, or receives a lot of ad traffic, it is a must to be sure they have the best possible experience in terms of Core Web Vitals and page speed. In this article, we explain how RUM ensured that the ad budget was spent well.

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    • Reading time ± 2 minutes
  • Too lazy to check your lazyloading strategy? Don't be!

    In this use case, we'll tell you more about lazy loading and how you can use it to optimize your Core Web Vitals. This customer got the right insights in time and was able to adjust it quickly and easily in the code.

    • Published
    • Reading time ± 3 minutes
  • Debug and optimize your Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) in under 1 minute

    Optimizing your CLS can be difficult to estimate which element is shifting. This is because there are many different viewports. For example, one device may suffer from a shift where the other does not. With these insights, you will be ready within 1 minute and can start optimizing one of the three Core Web Vitals.

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    • Reading time ± 2 minutes
  • Don't make visitors on your website wait for the same page twice

    Are you sure your caching strategy is in order and that returning and successive visitors will benefit? This client found out that there are still a lot of performance gains to be made on the Time to First Byte (TTFB).

    • Published
    • Reading time ± 5 minutes
  • Everyone hates cookie banners. But did you know they can also impact your Core Web Vitals? Learn how the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) for a client changed depending on the acceptance of the cookie banner, and how to monitor if this happens to your site as well.

    • Published
    • Reading time ± 4 minutes
  • A 32.7% noticeable win for Vipio visitors

    Vipio helps users discover unique and memorable places to stay. To ensure visitors stay engaged and are more likely to convert, delivering a strong first impression is essential. A fast, seamless website experience plays a key role in achieving this.

    • Published
    • Reading time ± 6 minutes